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3月份,我們都知道國內的疫情控制住了,國外的疫情卻爆發了,而且結尾在哪里,在何時?全是未知數。新冠肺炎可以說已經是事實上的“全球大爆發”。這場災難,對人類、對我們帶來的影響可能遠超我們想象。往大了說,可能造成全球格局的重新洗牌。往小了說,我們每個人的生活都會受到巨大的沖擊。疫情過后,包裝行業迎來新的格局變化雖然疫情最終會結束,但它對社會和經濟的影響將是巨大的,有的已經顯現,有的會逐步顯現。大疫情過后,行業洗牌加劇,一些行業、部分中小企業會出現倒閉潮,而另一些行業則會在夾縫中野蠻生長!大部分行業、特別是汽車企業、外貿服飾、生活用品、電子產品等等都會出現比較大人員流動,譬如一些公司工廠從一線城市搬到二三四線城市,一些人干脆呆在農村不出來了,還有一些人跳槽轉行了。極強的的供應鏈,未來再疊加大數據的積累,人工智能的發展,各行各業都會呈現大組織消亡,小型組織甚至個體蓬勃發展,協作共生的形態。新的品牌,新的工廠,新的95、00后創業者會如雨后春筍般的冒出來,需求永遠是存在的,你不做就會有新的人出來做。疫情過后,包裝行業迎來新的格局變化新的產品就需要新的包裝,新的公司就需要尋求新的供應鏈,所以這是包裝企業轉型的最佳時期,傳統行業互聯網化本就是大勢所趨,這次疫情只不過是加速這個過程。對于年輕一代的創業者,已經習慣性用網絡解決一切事情。包裝企業只有主動求變,大膽破舊立新,拋掉舊的觀點,主動擁抱互聯網,改變傳統的商業模式,才能在危機中迎來新的發展機遇。輕量化包裝定制解決方案,效率高,品質保障、價格更便宜,就在 唯壹品包裝商城:www.viyip.com 。


親:你總是跟我說,時間緊迫,來不及打樣,按照電腦文件生產吧!可后來產品出來才發現設計文件錯了。你總是跟我說,只有一處小小改動,打樣太麻煩,按照我傳票的要求生產吧!可是后來,工序太多,有的員工理解錯了。你總是跟我說,訂單單價低,不花錢打樣了!可是后來交貨的時候,客戶拒收,因為我們沒有驗收的標準。包裝盒為什么要先打樣?打樣的理由:1、檢查設計文件是否正確。2、驗證紙張材質、生產工藝。3、付印標準,避免合同糾紛。4、生產標準,避免信息傳達失誤。圖解打樣包裝盒為什么要先打樣?客戶 印刷商 把創意變成產品,樣板是付印標準。盒型·版式·圖片·顏色·內容·工藝反復打樣,直到達到設計目的 打樣驗證生產的可行性。打樣為生產提供標準。標準樣板可以避免生產流程中信息傳達錯誤。經驗教訓1、為客戶印刷一款手提袋,設計過程只是發了JPG文件給客戶確認,省了打樣簽字的程序。交貨時發現電話號碼少了一位數,只能重印!若印刷前有打樣給客戶簽字確認,一旦要簽字,客戶必定慎重,便是多了一道檢查的關卡;再次,如果客戶簽字確認,即使錯了,也可免責。2、“按照傳票生產吧!”老王是資深管理人員,客戶彩盒版本更新,只是小小改動,于是省了重新打樣,直接安排生產。公司出版的同事用錯了老版本的文件,由于沒有正確樣板,后面所有工序都沒有發現印刷內容錯誤!3、老李心疼打樣費,客戶產品由原來的覆光膜改成覆亞膜,于是沒有重新打樣。只是在生產傳票注明,和原來光膜的樣板上面寫了“亞膜”,后來生產過程中,覆膜的同事跟著原來的樣板,覆了光膜。弄得他哭笑不得!以上幾個案例都是真實的故事,絕非虛構。由于彩盒生產是涉及多個部門,很多人參與的工作,如果沒有標準的樣板,很可能發生各種難以預料的匪夷所思的錯誤結果。包裝盒為什么要先打樣?不打樣就是給自己挖一個坑!客戶 1、設計缺陷。2、內容錯誤。3、合同糾紛。 印刷商 1、合同糾紛。2、品質不良。3、生產混亂。糾正這些,只需要一個標準的彩盒樣板。


Sticky bottom tube box color box, paper corrugated paper pit tray, lid lock buckle is not easy to open, packaging structure design, packaging box

Sticky bottom tube box color box, paper corrugated paper pit tray, lid lock buckle is not easy to op

2025-01-17 09:09:37
This is a tube box structure, plug lock better protection products are not easy to open, buckle, bottom sticky bottom structure, very widely used. Box design features: 1 A sheet of cardboard is folded and bonded to the edges to form a tube box. 2 When used, it is necessary to hold open the box blank, seal up and down the lid, forming into a carton. 3 Because the billet can be folded for transport, the transport cost is low. 4 The strength of the resistance is higher because the corrugated direction is in the direction of the height. 5 self-locking bottom type: on the basis of the lock bottom structure to improve, eliminate the manual assembly of the process, save time, suitable for automated production. The advantages and uses of carton packaging design: 1 This structure can often be seen on supermarket shelves, saving space. Can put mobile phones, cameras and other electronic products packaging accessories. Blank space can be used to write the product name and the precautions for use. 2 The tubular structure must be easy to load and self-opening, and provide protection. 3 This structure saves materials, makes full use of the spelling, is a very cost-effective product. 4 Applies as a display sale package, also applies as a transport package. Cosmetic packaging design keys: 1 Bright colors, excellent texture, beautiful picture. 2 Usually a folding tray package, there are also combined cartons. 3 The aim is to imply to consumers that they can also be beautiful, charming, noble and elegant. 4 The role of cosmetic packaging design is to sell hope to consumers.
Sticky bottom tube box color box, paper corrugated paper pit tray, lid lock buckle is not easy to open, packaging structure design, packaging box

Sticky bottom tube box color box, paper corrugated paper pit tray, lid lock buckle is not easy to op

2025-01-17 09:09:36
This is a tube box structure, plug lock better protection products are not easy to open, buckle, bottom sticky bottom structure, very widely used. Box design features: 1 A sheet of cardboard is folded and bonded to the edges to form a tube box. 2 When used, it is necessary to hold open the box blank, seal up and down the lid, forming into a carton. 3 Because the billet can be folded for transport, the transport cost is low. 4 The strength of the resistance is higher because the corrugated direction is in the direction of the height. 5 self-locking bottom type: on the basis of the lock bottom structure to improve, eliminate the manual assembly of the process, save time, suitable for automated production. The advantages and uses of carton packaging design: 1 This structure can often be seen on supermarket shelves, saving space. Can put mobile phones, cameras and other electronic products packaging accessories. Blank space can be used to write the product name and the precautions for use. 2 The tubular structure must be easy to load and self-opening, and provide protection. 3 This structure saves materials, makes full use of the spelling, is a very cost-effective product. 4 Applies as a display sale package, also applies as a transport package. Cosmetic packaging design keys: 1 Bright colors, excellent texture, beautiful picture. 2 Usually a folding tray package, there are also combined cartons. 3 The aim is to imply to consumers that they can also be beautiful, charming, noble and elegant. 4 The role of cosmetic packaging design is to sell hope to consumers.
Up and down intubation box, hook box, aircraft hole hanging, color box, paper corrugated paper pit tray, packaging structure design, packaging box structure, packaging design, cosmetic packaging, cosm

Up and down intubation box, hook box, aircraft hole hanging, color box, paper corrugated paper pit t

2025-01-17 09:09:34
This is a very common pair of wing tube box, the bottom has a tongue structure, the top plus aircraft hole can be used for suspension display, is widely used in the display of a packaging. Box design features: 1 A sheet of cardboard is folded and bonded to the edges to form a tube box. 2 The upper and lower openings seal the insert structure of the pressure wing. 3 lock structure: insertion and lock combination, better protection, not easy to open. At the same time, the lock-in design is made between the cover of the plug-in lid and the dust-proof flap. Box design benefits and uses: 1 The tubular structure must be easy to load and self-opening, and provide protection. 2 This box structure is commonly used in bottled products, such as cosmetic packaging. Cosmetic packaging design keys: 1 Bright colors, excellent texture, beautiful picture. 2 Usually a folding tray package, there are also combined cartons. 3 The aim is to imply to consumers that they can also be beautiful, charming, noble and elegant. 4 The role of cosmetic packaging design is to sell hope to consumers.
Up and down intubation box, hook box, aircraft hole hanging, color box, paper corrugated paper pit tray, packaging structure design, packaging box structure, packaging design, cosmetic packaging, cosm

Up and down intubation box, hook box, aircraft hole hanging, color box, paper corrugated paper pit t

2025-01-17 09:09:33
This is a very common pair of wing tube box, the bottom has a tongue structure, the top plus aircraft hole can be used for suspension display, is widely used in the display of a packaging. Box design features: 1 A sheet of cardboard is folded and bonded to the edges to form a tube box. 2 The upper and lower openings seal the insert structure of the pressure wing. 3 lock structure: insertion and lock combination, better protection, not easy to open. At the same time, the lock-in design is made between the cover of the plug-in lid and the dust-proof flap. Box design benefits and uses: 1 The tubular structure must be easy to load and self-opening, and provide protection. 2 This box structure is commonly used in bottled products, such as cosmetic packaging. Cosmetic packaging design keys: 1 Bright colors, excellent texture, beautiful picture. 2 Usually a folding tray package, there are also combined cartons. 3 The aim is to imply to consumers that they can also be beautiful, charming, noble and elegant. 4 The role of cosmetic packaging design is to sell hope to consumers.
Up and down intubation box, hook box, aircraft hole hanging, color box, paper corrugated paper pit tray, packaging structure design, packaging box structure, packaging design, cosmetic packaging, cosm

Up and down intubation box, hook box, aircraft hole hanging, color box, paper corrugated paper pit

2025-01-17 09:09:32
This is a very common pair of wing tube box, the bottom has a tongue structure, the top plus aircraft hole can be used for suspension display, is widely used in the display of a packaging. Box design features: 1 A sheet of cardboard is folded and bonded to the edges to form a tube box. 2 The upper and lower openings seal the insert structure of the pressure wing. 3 The window structure spans two sides, making the product more visible and adequate. 4 There is another window on the side to display the product in multiple ways. Box design benefits and uses: 1 The tubular structure must be easy to load and self-opening, and provide protection. 2 This box structure is commonly used in bottled products, such as cosmetic packaging. Cosmetic packaging design keys: 1 Bright colors, excellent texture, beautiful picture. 2 Usually a folding tray package, there are also combined cartons. 3 The aim is to imply to consumers that they can also be beautiful, charming, noble and elegant. 4 The role of cosmetic packaging design is to sell hope to consumers.
Bottom lock tube box, food packaging design, self-locking bottom packaging design, color box, cardboard corrugated pit carton, packaging structure design, packaging design, cosmetic packaging, cosmeti

Bottom lock tube box, food packaging design, self-locking bottom packaging design, color box, cardbo

2025-01-17 09:09:32
Bottom lock tube box, food packaging design, self-locking bottom packaging design, color box, cardboard corrugated pit carton, packaging structure design, packaging design, cosmetic packaging, cosmetic packaging design, electronics packaging design, toy packaging Features of packaging box design: 1 One paper after folding, and glue and seal the sides, make a tube type box. 2 The upper and down openging can seal the tuck structure of the reverse tuck. 3 Tuck lock structure: the tuck and the lock combined together can be very protective and not easy to open. 4 The automatic lock bottom is improved on the basis of the bottom lock structure. Saving many processes and time, is good for aotomatic producing. Advantages and suages of packaging box design: 1 The tube structure must let the products in easily and not open automatically at the same tiem. This strcuture can be very protective. 2 This structure usually used for bottle products, such as cosmetic packaging. Key points of bottom-lock packaging sructure design: 1 The box bottom must bear the weight of the inside goods, and also bear moves, pressures. 2 The design should be strong, simple. So, usually use the locks to protect the goods inside. 3 This kind of lock structure is simple, beautiful and economic. And it is the most commonly used structure in packaging. The cost is low. It is widely used in cosmetic packaging design, wine packaging design and food packaging design.
Top cover socket bottom self-locking bottom tube box,color box,paper corrugated paper box, packaging

Top cover socket bottom self-locking bottom tube box,color box,paper corrugated paper box, packaging

2025-01-17 09:09:31
The bottom of the upper cover socket self-locking bottom tube box, simple and generous, very widely used. Paper tray packaging design features: 1 A sheet of cardboard is folded and bonded to the edges to form a tube box. 2 The bottom is the self-locking bottom structure, which does not need to be bonded by folding molding, and the structure is load-bearing. The advantages and uses of carton packaging design: 1 This structure can often be seen on supermarket shelves, saving space. Can put mobile phones, cameras and other electronic products packaging accessories. Blank space can be used to write the product name and the precautions for use. 2 The tubular structure must be easy to load and self-opening, and provide protection. 3 This structure saves materials, makes full use of the spelling, is a very cost-effective product. 4 Applies as a display sale package, also applies as a transport package. Cosmetic packaging design keys: 1 Bright colors, excellent texture, beautiful picture. 2 Usually a folding tray package, there are also combined cartons. 3 The aim is to imply to consumers that they can also be beautiful, charming, noble and elegant. 4 The role of cosmetic packaging design is to sell hope to consumers.
Opening at both ends, tube box, tongue shaping, tube box, double insert box, display packaging, tube box, transportation packaging, cosmetics packaging design, food packaging structure design

Opening at both ends, tube box, tongue shaping, tube box, double insert box, display packaging, tube

2025-01-17 09:09:30
Opening at both ends, tube box, tongue shaping, tube box, double insert box, display packaging, tube box, transportation packaging, cosmetics packaging design, food packaging structure design This is a very common pressure wing tube box, packaging magician inside the box template has three types of tongue structure, dust wings have two types of single and double knives. Packaging structure design features: 1. A piece of cardboard is folded and inserted into the structure, without glue. 2. The upper and lower openings are the sealing of the insert structure of the pressure wing, and the latch of the insert tongue is added, which is not easy to open by itself. 3. Insert structure: basically overcome the defect that the lid is easy to open itself, and lock the design between the cover plate of the insert lid and the dustproof flap. Advantages and USES of packaging structure: 1 tube structure must be easy to load, and not easy to open, play a protective role. 2 this box structure is usually used for bottled products, such as cosmetic packaging. Suitable for display packaging and transportation packaging. Cosmetic packaging design essentials: 1. Bright colors, fine texture and exquisite picture. 2. Usually packed in folding cartons, but also in combination cartons. 3. The purpose is to suggest to consumers that they can also be beautiful, charming and elegant. 4. The function of cosmetic packaging design is to sell hope to consumers.